Thursday, March 3, 2011

Milena Velba - Galleries

The humanitarian emergency

The situation became dramatic in Libya. I do not mean the Ivorian disaster, it will be a particular aspect. Too much to denounce what has become a country that nobody cares or weir not many people.

For now, there is the question of Libya . English and American are starters like the old days of the interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan for military intervention, which would follow the request of the insurgents themselves. Are they capable? Yes. Will they be willing, American and British, to leave the country once Qaddafi expelled? No. Intervention as we see, quite disinterested, as usual in countries rich in mineral deposits. More moderate - or more divided - Europe can not agree and refuses to align with the desires Anglo-Saxon.

But before resorting to force - you never know how the Arab countries would take the thing - the West explores the legal way. The latter through the International Criminal Court by the voice of prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo announced opening an investigation for crimes against humanity, "against Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's son and several senior officials Libyan " , seeking to make the untenable position of bloody clan.

At the other end of the planet, Hugo Chavez, who does not play the accordion, but seems to cope well with the violin, evokes the possibility to mediate in a "peace mission" to his buddy Muammar, whose deaths do not count. Impossible to quantify what may soon turn into a charnel house, before which we declare "If we had known ... " fact remains that the military solution - a disaster in his view - Chavez prefers to speak of" goodwill mission ". You never know, between two crises, the insane are sometimes able to get to the "reason" ... In this dramatic context, the Venezuelan president offers to help and indeed has found an original way to talks with Muammar. It is indeed through the social network Twitter the two men exchanged, as confirmed by the Minister of Communication of Chavez, Andres Izarra in the message here.

Meanwhile, by the thousands it tumbling at the border post of Ras Jedir , the Tunisian-Libyan border. Egyptian, Bangladeshi, African form an amazing procession of misery, fear and famine that Tunisia has to manage under extreme conditions. A humanitarian disaster in perspective that Tunisians, just emerging from turmoil as we know, are not able to bear alone, both the means and capacity are limited. Not being prepared to receive more than ten fifteen thousand people, the authorities, who are doing everything they can to feed the constant flow, fear that the situation escalates if international aid does not point soon after the his nose. Inextricable. But urgent.

anyone to move her ass in the right direction? ...

November Ii World War Red Flower

Happy days

Oh, by the way, read (ok: traveled), in The Express this very good news
"From January to March 2011, will invest 510 pounds displays of French bookstores. Against more 700 outlets in September, down 30% compared to first novels in September 2010, the 2011 literary season promises to be very careful! "
Well, it's all very nice and reassuring, but if you read the books? and you even noticing that fewer books are much less conservative? Let a hundred ten pounds make ridiculous and ludicrous (not to say "fun and useless") four hundred others? Finally, when the Express gives us these numbers, I guess it has launched an armada of sharp criticism on the production of Quidam editions, Absalon Argol, Laurel, Tristram ... "very conservative": The last time I read the speech that was "bank secrecy in Switzerland is acting very cautiously - - Feb 28. 2011" is where we are.

Ballerina Cake Topper Slippers

Demolli, "he said

It was a little restless these last hours in the blogosphere (and elsewhere, worry) on the article published in Le Figaro that identifies (1 individual) the last book Eric Chevillard ( Dihnneau Eghheurre ). Article nasty, ten pups, but at least has the merit (ouch) not to fear (ouch) to tackle a writer (moo) respected. But hey, we're not here to award the laurels (or sage?) Crrrrrritique the audacity of the press, rather dip what happens (what the fuck Is Happening? ).
Because it is fine to go down sharply - although not bow and little muscles in the forearm, chtoïïïïïnggg - an author who is one of the few to build a "work" (well, it a term a little technical, but if you understand the words "body", "change", "rhizome " you should be fine by itself), must still "think" a bit (and by that I do not mean that he thinks the flaw tad, it would be too complicated). This is not the condescending tone (no spoonerism, eh) of the article offends me, or what it contains. Because he set (if it contains anything)? Chevillard that always writes the same book. Either. Fortunately Proust is not published in serial form. Do not return that is false, since Chevillard does not write the same book, but changes more often we do believe, target, object, speed etc.. No, what bothers me is the title, so intelligent , section, and apparently was not enough, if at all, commented.
Car "Demolli Chevillard," of course, is clever. In addition it returns perhaps critical forces, to "Forget Foucault" (again, laugh), it refers of course to the title of the book Chevillard. But ooh my, attention. It is "Demolli" and not "demolish". Pun. Finally, a word, there is only one. What does it mean "Demolli? Make it harder? softer? Well, we'll say harder. I would say to Eric, I will tell him to harden, I'm sure it will amuse him in three paragraphs. Rugged, Eric, and too bad if it hurts. No, I will not tell her that. I do not see an email to begin by Chevillard Erci "Rugged ..." I prefer to speak with him and weevil-sword cane. Moving on. The hard, soft, though I have read Levisse & Strauss, it does me a key, as said another.
But what does the author of this article? Marrow (no salt, no bread, no bones, no spine or quadruped) is there yet, simple, nickel, chromium, tin, rétamée, effective:
These exercises in style perfectly silly and vain have no other purpose than to demonstrate that literature is an exercise in vain and funny language. You want to tell it's going Chevillard, that's it for twenty-five years he made the same demonstration of virtuosity spinning its wheels, we got the message .
"We got the message": in other words: move along! There's nothing to say. Modiano writes the same book? Move along! Guyotat jabbers in loop? Move along! Well, Beckett and Ionesco knew how to renew, I suppose, and I think we can give the author of the article in Le Figaro any novel of Beckett, he will tell you if it fissa Molloy's or Murphy. Blindfolded. Failing anything else, um.
In fact, what this paper, strikingly reminiscent of the texture of a cream cheese topping huge Kiri by its depth and flavor, is trying to tell us is that literature that provides message is good, it's perfect, you want the real flush the mouth, office, family, is not no doubt about it, but instead, the message does not contain the sole message that there is no message that literature is not a Salesman Still, it's funny but pointless. Worse, funny and vain. Balzac, you raving, yo!
Well, all this is not very serious just fun as a candy stuck to the sole of a man dressed in gray mouse who advances without kiri on a red carpet color blood turnip (I find this picture funny and vain). But anyway, this impulse that pushes to qualify the book by Eric Chevillard of "free experience" is pretty pathetic. Looks like a pumpkin dressed as oxymoron.
No, experience is not free, sir. I repeat not, the experience is not in gratuite.Et rédactionnant the sacroiliac joint, its author has managed this feat quite unlikely to become the first Dinosauregger which one will care very little extinction.
Well, we can talk about something else now? Because I have lots of funny and useless books waiting for me on my board bedside: Lives potential , Camille de Toledo, Splash , Dirk van Bastelaere, Field, Judith Elbaz, The Debacle , Caesar Fauxbras, Behind my desk, Werner Kofler, E scales to Lycanthropolis , Petrus Borel, Everyone, Antoine Boute - you name it.
Well, the new young lions of literary criticism written printed broadcast pounded not worry - blogs wank stockings, no doubt, but their battle is elsewhere: in the ground, there Under which roars (and there is enough fun? vain enough? zou: Go nutmeg ...)
I think I'll reread Choir. Or better Choir? Choir yet? Difference and Repetition or ?

Beer Festival In Germany

From Tangier to Larache

When Do Cervix Begin To Open Before Period

The sound of silence

Talking books? Make talking books? Or speaking from an interior invested, just talking to side, in the shadow of these books which we know how to talk sometimes ... But "talk" is of course an incorrect term. For it is to write it is. Nothing trivial, then. Write about what is written, not to make a speech, but to double, extend, test the resistance, trying to chip, bully lovingly those books that offer readings still evolving, as they themselves become (since we do not talk - sorry: since we write little about what is written without a body-to-hand with writing, these books "already" written before being drafted). Is it a matter of criticism? How far do we seek rather to abolish it? Not easy. A desire, evident to enjoy their dirty, to feel their bodies, drink their poison. The impression sometimes added at the discretion of the books a little burnt cream of our emotions, they hang to bumper pots probably unnecessary. But they, after all, who make us want to write, to write not so much on them than on the movement of writing their own volition sought. Here, read these lines salutary signed by writer Philip Annocque which, not later than Tuesday, questioned here on noise and silence "around" the literary thing, especially in the wake books concerned (In the sense, almost, "anxious") by reason poetic

"It is never difficult indeed to speak of a truly remarkable book, he must find words that do not exist yet and when we found them to realize that they have every chance of not being understood: how to make the reader feel something he has not felt it yet? But you must write his opinion anyway, the view is a rite which can not be set aside, we will write more on this other book because it's easier and it is not so bad, or one that is not worth much because we can easily tell why.

Sometimes I wonder if this noise around (the periphery) of the literature does not end with him being even more damaging - most misleading - that the silence that surrounds it in reality. "

can not be said better . But since we are committed so strongly to certain books, because sometimes they break the frozen sea within us, can we hope that their folly will argue, and inform our approach, our collision? their biases things succeed in guiding given our words? That their secession will make us allies, the Deleuzian sense the term?
J'ébaucherais have an answer, but alas I hear meowing tribe of cats that I have to beat them a chance to have nine lives. So we'll try again and again, fail better this disturbing but exhilarating praxis.

(Image: Caravaggio, The Doubt of Thomas. 1602-1603. Sansouci, Potsdam, Germany)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How Does Andy Sixx Wrote

Valls-trap popular scam primary

The skeet shooting is the device used to throw hard clay to practice firing the gun, it is also called the Clay pigeon shooting . Even if I have the suspicion for the misuse of anglicism in our language, I consider that the Clay pigeon shooting is the name best suited to describe the favorite sport of our political class, which if not inventive, appears united in the practice of this discipline .

Everything question address . On the right, for example, after many efforts sports comes time for slagging . This cons-like fire in the fight against the fire. The whole thing is not to leave the body at rest, sitting, for example, is not a good thing for organizations. Highly recommended by specialists. and sport in Sarkozia we had: national identity, secularism, Islamism, security, the republican pact, have been the staple of a republic dismantles it and it ends up rumble in the aisles. The success reaching not the desired result is changed slightly - only slightly - the tune to see if that side is the result more convincing. No question, however, remove the machine, no, but reduce its scope to make the shot more effectively. In this

de ba t imposed by Lider Mínimo, Jean-Francois Cope , embarrassed the armholes, wants to cut corners. Is that many alarms in the house his mother. Patrick Devedjian Alain Juppe and other Rama Yade , many activists are expressing fear of "skid " and clear that" this debate anime especially activists of the National Front ". It is no longer a small naval battle but it is the invasion of Normandy. Alas, this is the only way that remains to Minimus to keep the hope of reelection, scraping the bottom of bowls. If

right odors settle in a sustainable manner, to the left you can not say that it smells like perfume rose deployed! By imagining that the PS has a strategy, we can say that it has no major upheaval in any field. Even if we know the race with shallots do not bother with manners as his principle is the absence of principles, we can say that the left that dream and to dance we go and look on other planets.

Do not count on Manuel Valls - nor any other - to fuser ideas. Not bother to shake the headache, it might give him pain, especially now that the Di-antalvic was withdrawn from the market. For him, his idea, since he's only - it simplifies - it is to push for the candidacy of Dominique Strauss-Kahn. DSK is in his eyes the candidate who "represents a minimum of hope" , when France was shaken by spasms of "major economic crisis" and the "temptation to vote Le Pen . To make things simple definitions within the family he moved to cancel the banquet of the primaries, because he considers the IMF Managing Director is the only one able to challenge Sarkozy. The message could not be clearer: all those who wish to open a debate would do well to consider "usefulness of their application" . Water rock, Manu! DSK has everything in the pipeline: the freezing of wages, 60 hours per week, the deletion of the thirteenth month those who still enjoy the moribund privatization of public service, the whole festive Sunday in the parishes hexagonal and the icing on the cake, building a museum in memory of socialism.

No need to pick his esgourdes to hear that the only thing that counts is the wins, no question of appeal to feelings or ideas, either. As stated by Francis Holland towards anyone who will listen: it does not negotiate, the primaries will be with him ... Work

our left uppercut is all we have left to prevent horse-trading to make us the digs still time.

I Think Female Doctor Likes Me

Besschops David, great master of the dirty work

Hole common as halfway between grave and trunk common, could be a choking hazard if not dealt with so learned a concealed breath. In forty-nine chapters of barely thirty lines, David Besschops attempts to revive - die? - A family, father, mother and their seven children ("seven boys, three girls from male, I am not fooled" ...). All speak, in turn, to say, links the everyday, especially the body. Liturgical into the sordid, rhythmic like a severed aorta and ligated Hole common evolves in a universe that could be called parallel to that of Peter Guyotat, but the treatment is of course different. The language is a joke according Besschops syntax, like human relationships, more biting than weakened. His sentence jolts yet never stumble, and one feels a kind of resilient grace under the most rough set. Hole common reads tense, motionless in a hurry to read, in the heart of a fascination which it is unclear if it crushes or releases. Sinking into the page like a nail, every sentence reiterates the strength of a project that can only be described as poetic, creating a theater of cruelty, where all the "I" are clowns, boastful, wounded. Breaking his sentence without warning so we do not deceive its apparent cast Besschops replaces the intense freedom of his speech to the abandonment programmed its prey. Listen to him rather:
"I am accused of Education of seven children. A human weakness. My only goal is to prevent them from soaking against teen of their mother. Women that I packed. No question of it allow gay impulsive without reacting. I occasionally go out of his depression and placed under pregnancy. Nine months of conscience acquired the assets of my libido. During which, I exhume large animals of reason. "

Master of dirty work, David Besschops, Belgian author born in Rocourt, is as himself "Son of a lesser evil to flush nails and a silent grief, he was sentenced in 1976 to parents forced to have cut the pear in half crosswise ... Then, not to drink the mother and father, slaps! None had to be done. Today, spun continuously by a satellite-spy phonics, he divides his between Mexico and the Black Time. Taciturn appropriate ... "Shortly talkative, but writer hands down rare - essential. ___________

David Besschops, Hole common , Argol editions, 112 pages, 19 € (book published in November 2010)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Christian Wedding Card Congratulations Wording

Ants and Men

This is intended as a sequel to the article 'The Revolution? : Yes we CAN ! " February 25 (continued envisaged in my postscript). But I am unable to get barber, you barber (and beard issue, those who know me know what I mean!) With an article (it's everywhere!) On ancestors' , references speaking, Western Theories of Revolution ...

I confine myself here to repeat briefly on three streams of these thinkers: anarchism Marxism, his Trotskyist variant.

My title came to me of the famous film 'Men and Gods' in imagining that ants (and other critters) are taking us for gods. I mean beings imaginable ... except to devour their corpses. And religious institutions do not they like to live in the remains of their 'Founder' (God or the Prophet), after issuance of 'subliminal message' initial ? ...

This title came to me especially the bitter observation that a huge part of humanity is always reduced to an obscure 'life ant' that of 'bump and die' . Slightly improved version of our 'hump or idle, consume, be silent (' right ') or always causes (' left '), and die ...' : so that, in both versions, long live the fierce ' God Pognon '!

We all know a little - often with fascination - the humble life of these ants at work, joining in long caravans, round trip, the ant and prey carving, vegetable or animal ground or on tree trunks. Some of us (I was in my youth to be innocently curious fierce) have 'given a kick in the anthill' just for 'see' : staggering spectacle that feverish excitement, not 'stampede can' individual, I believe, but 'voluntary ambulance' saving babies (eggs for them) and stores ... It's a bit startling image that came to my thinking men, when they are collective victims (earthquakes, bombings, etc..). With more than empathy: a brotherly compassion. Because we all know, these tragedies hit especially hard the people they are poor, such as floods in Bangladesh, the last earthquake in Haiti, but also the Rwandan genocide and as wars or crushed revolts ... Brrr! 'God Almighty' is it a dirty kid typing in our peaceful and industrious ant?

Reineroro written at the end of his very fine article 24 of February entitled 'Libya' , this: "The change will be very deep as it relates to the mentality of Westerners often formatted to be suspicious of Arabs considered either as apprentices terrorists, either as future immigrants, the result of neo-colonialist propaganda, western and Zionist. "

Beyond this judicious remark concerning revolutionary upheavals in the Arab world today, we can, we must generalize: 'attitudes formatted' (not only among Westerners, at least we will understand the Japanese, South Koreans and many others, including among wealthy Chinese or Middle Eastern!) have ' change very deep' ... against enormous challenges of the near future, including those of mass migration (demographic, economic, climatic, political ...) ... impoverished populations and prolific throughout the world.

Just like many insects living in communities (ants, bees ...) which, if overpopulation, will also establish a new nest, a new swarm: survive!

And more over this other challenge, unheard of and unprecedented: the depletion of the Earth (helping looting of capitalism, the madness!) ... Anyway this' profound change of mentality ' now concerns the necessary ' decrease voluntary consumption ' if horribly disparate between the destitute ... and all of us - not just the great pirates of Capital to gone mad' to get rich rich '! And that's where we find the necessary Revolution Politics, Social ... theorized by our elders. The 'No State' theorized by anarchism (which Bakunin) is realized in fact, locally, at some temporary creations 'Liberated zones insurgency' , little more (sometimes, alas, as in Somalia, it turns into a nightmare through the wars between charges). but the 'sting' of anarchist thought is still very fertile, in a thousand forms of conquest of 'freedom' , that sums up, in my view, the form 'libertarian' current of this current thought, which I find myself. I am confused after training in founding the Marxist current, like a lot. Communist who quickly fled Stalinism of the PCF, was in a movement called ' Maoist '. Then, I knew too that Mao was worse than Stalin Dictator! ...

I had been trying for a while in the Latin Quarter, for Trotskyism, but noted that the concept of so fruitful 'Permanent Revolution' actually applies only to waste time bickering between talkative 'chapels' ... to flee. Too bad, because I recognize that many Trotskyists were or are staunch defenders of the communist ideal, fiercely opposed by the Stalinists - not by anarchists, at least in the concrete social struggles. Back then

on the essential social struggle. Who becomes revolutionary, schematically, when 'ant becomes a man' . When the sub-human slave (indeed or 'right' ) accesses the freedom, dignity! : It is with this lens that I welcome the dignity revolts or revolutions, the Arab world today. The site

Franco-Italian Bellaciao is provided, often excellent articles. February 21, Alain Badiou there published a long article entitled "Tunisia, Egypt: when an east wind sweeps arrogance Western ' Here are some excerpts. "So when the West idle and twilight, the" international community "of those who think themselves the masters of the world, will they continue to give lessons of good management and good conduct in the whole world? (...) In the situation of political misery that is ours for the past three decades, is not it obvious that it is we who have everything to learn from the popular uprising of the moment? (...) We must be the students of these movements, not their stupid teachers. Because they make life in the genius their inventions, few policy principles that have long sought to convince us that they are obsolete. And especially to the principle that Marat kept in mind: when it comes to freedom, equality, emancipation, we need to riots. It is right to rebel. As in politics, our states and those who invoke it (parties, unions and servile intellectuals) prefer the management, even revolt, they prefer to claim (...) "

I could continue these citations, I invite the reader to read this entire rich 'rant' .

course, if this kind of thinking is 'updated' by the events 'stars' in Arab countries, it is (and for a long long time) valid for other 'storm zones' (to use a figurative expression of Maoism, which is fond Alain Badiou).

In Latin America, among others. And potentially elsewhere where there are so many 'ants finally wanting to become men' ... like China. There, regime has only label 'communist' - the great dishonor of the Communist ideal, alive. So the Chinese dictatorship is trying to lock down information coming from the Arab revolt: this is not so much by fear of 'contagion' Muslim populations in China (but minority scattered over large areas of western China policy, where they are the majority) for fear that the message (M!) 'It is right to rebel'

... And it is true that when 'the Chinese ant' accede to human dignity, it will be a huge step towards the end of capitalism, which is killing us ... by killing the planet!

Remember: it was considered impossible by the end of the Soviet dictatorship. the 'ants' of Eastern Europe have proved otherwise. Rebellion symbolized by the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the same year when China massacred the student revolt Place Tien Anmen: sinister notes! And yet that heralds the future remains open, since all dictatorships, all authoritarian regime (seen Sarko?) Is a mastiff with feet of clay ...

Dignity and Liberty. Avanti Popolo!

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troublemaker Kofler

It seems that in France the major German language writers are published by small publishers. Reinhard Jirgl by Quidam, Arno Schmidt by Tristram ... and Werner Kofler by Absalom . The latter is still unclear to us, despite the remarkable work done by Bernard Banoun smuggling. For now, we offer three editions Absalon titles Kofler: Fall, Freedom (one night) , Caf'Conc 'Treblinka and Behind my desk, the first of a trilogy entitled Triptych Alpine . The second Hotel Clair crime, is expected.
Kofler is not only heir, claimed by Thomas Bernhard and the shadow of Beckett's Molloy . It is also a machine to blow up the autobiography hints at a factory, a follower of verbosity, which seems to take the plunge for the Kafkaesque confusion in a new reality, even more layered, ever more treacherous. In Autumn freedom, the narrator looks at some pictures, and uses it as a mirror - a window? - Where to throw the drive, hop, you get walk-in sets, funny business, a hotel plagued by rumors of sex, a hostel run by a poor adulterous, we became acquainted with a strange detective who never reads the first sentence of the Long Goodbye by Chandler and entrusted with the mission even more strange deal with "the disappearance of litter and communicational Garbage language [...] the dissipation of smog and fumes conversational communicative. " And here the narrator struggling with "ragged language" and what is more obsessed with a vaguely ambiguous announcement: "Man seeks young handyman bircoleur craft" ... If
Werner Kofler is sometimes taxed, as recalled by his translator, complacency allusive , do not deduct not that his lyrics, full of names, remain obscure because they are animated by such energy, as they tressautent are so rabid for themselves that the reader is willing hostage, caught in a stampede as alarming as enjoyable. Disjointed, because not fooled seams of reality, the text Kofler permanently indignant that "lack of rabies. Hosted for Austria to a "condition" worthy of Bernhard and Jelinek, convinced that psychology and pathology are the two mainstays of the same monster, the self, the "I" who narrates, describes, and annoyed about is an I angry with this and as stiff in the past. So the sentence koflerienne wriggles, ruminating, boat, fiddling, she scratches where it should be itching at the same brains. In
Caf'Conc ' Treblinka, a piece written for the theater, two men talk, first one old and one young. The first name does not stop all the atrocities of the final solution, are the second to react, both aggressive and precise. And when talking about the second is to deny, deny, delay, "not knowing", "failed", "never knew", but in this very gesture of denial are listed again all the elements of the Nazi extermination ... A representation So private that quickly turns to something else, not a private dialogue representation, violence to the reader / viewer, caught literally between two fires, two fires. We have not finished to taste, with Kofler, and so much better. ____________

Werner Kofler, Fall, Freedom ; Caf'con 'Treblinka , Behind my office, all three editions Absalom and all three translated and introduced by Bernard Banoun - crossing A big thank you to Damien Besançon, bookseller of the cedilla, for drawing my attention to this author as well as the editor who publishes Nancy.