Tuesday, May 29, 2007

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create a regional federation

The Euro Mediterranean region IS Widely Affected by the phenomenon of enforced disappearances that is firmly condemned by human rights defenders and, from now on, also by the Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances adopted on December 21st, 2006 by the General Assembly of the United Nations.

Organisations fighting against this pratice in the Euro Mediterranean region have met in Beirut on May 26th and 27th, 2007 to constitute the Euromed Federation Against Enforced Disappearances (FEMED).

The founding organisations of FEMED are the Coordination Committee of families of the disappeared in Morocco, the Collective of Families of the Disappeared in Algeria / « SOS Disparus » (Algeria), The Kurdish organisation « Mothers for Peace » (Turkey) and the Lebanese Centre for Human Rights (CLDH).

This constitutive meeting was held in presence of representatives of the FIDH (International Federation of Human Rights Leagues), of Human Rights Watch, the EMHRN (Euro Mediterranean Human Rights Network), HOM (Netherlands Humanist Committee on Human Rights), and the Parents Committee of Persons Abducted and Disappeared in Lebanon.

A network of organisations of families of the disappeared has existed informally since 2000 following a first meeting of families of disappeared organised in Paris by the FIDH. This network allowed families of disappeared to exchange information and experiences and to conduct their first joint actions.

This ongoing collaboration raised the organisations’ wish for more structure in order to increase their strength in the fight against enforced disappearances in the region.

The founding general assembly that met in Beirut has decided to locate its legal and operational base in Beirut. It elected a bureau composed of Mrs Nassera Dutour (Algeria) as Chairperson, Mr. Rachid EL Manouzi (Morocco) as General Secretary, and Mr.Wadih Al-Asmar (Lebanon) as Treasurer.

The FEMED will permanently act for the strengthening of organisations involved in the struggle against enforced disappearances in the whole Euro mediterranean Region. It will act relentlessly in pursuit of truth, justice, rehabilitation and reparation that all victims of enforced disappearances deserve, and for the definitive eradication of this practice in the entire region.

FEMED, for now composed of organisations from four countries, being Turkey, Algeria, Morocco and Lebanon, will be joined soon by other organisations from the numerous countries affected by disappearances with whom strong ties already exist.

The action of FEMED bases itself on a legal frame including the Universal Human Rights Charter, the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances, on the spirit of the Rome Statute, that recognises in its article 7 the practice of enforced disappearances as a crime against humanity, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and on the Convention Against Torture.

This meeting could take place thanks to the assistance of the Dutch Organisation HOM, whose programme « Linking Solidarity » supports the formation of regional organisations fighting against enforced disappearances.

Beyrouth, May 29th 2007.

For the FEMED
Nassera Dutour
Malbatên Kesên Windayî Yekbunek Fêdêrasyonî li Beyrudê Pêk Tîne
Windakirina xelkê ji tiştên gellekî tirsnak ên li reciona euromed bi jî tê, xelkên ku jib o xebata mafên mirovan kar dikin li dijî vî tiştî ne , digel peymana parastina hemu kesan ji wendakirina bi zorê an ku encumena tevayî a sazumana yekîtiya milletan ku li bîst u yekê meha çillê pêşîn 2006 an wergirtin.Li 26 u 27 ê meha gulanê 2007 a , şend organizasionên ku li rêciona euromed dijî windakirina xelkê kar dikin, li Beyrudê li hev civîn bo fêdêrasyonek euromed dijî windakirina bi zorê (FEMED) ava bikin.Organîzasyonên avakirna vê fêdêrasyonê evin: Koma malbatên windayî li Mexrib, Civata malbatên windayî li Caza-ir, organîzasyona turk an daykên jo bo aştiyê, u navend a libnanî bo mafên mirovan.Endamên ji fêdêrasyona internasyonal bo civatên mafên mirovan (FIDH), civata nerîna mafên mirovan (Human Rights Watch ), xeleka euromed bo mafên mirovan (REMDH), komîta insanî a mafên mirovan (HOM), u danheva malbatên windayî li libnanê li vê civînê hazir bun.Gereke bê gotin ku piştî civîn a pêşî a ku fêdêrasyona internasyonal a civatên mafên mirovan (FIDH) a ku li Paris sala 2000 çêbu, bingeha xelkekê ji organîzasyonên malbatên kesên windayî hate danîn. Ev xelek bi riya veguhestina zanahî u agahî hişt ku malbatên kesên windayî gavên pêşî pevre bavêjin.Ev dan u sitandina navbera wan hişt ku daxwaziyek lib a wan çêbe ku xwe tev bidin hev dijî windakirina xelkê li van welatan.Encumena tevayî a çêkirnê an ku li beyrudê çêbu, biryar stand ku cî yê wê li beyrudê be, u danişgeh helbicart ji serok xanim Nassera Dotur ji Caza-ir, serokê giştî mamoste Reşîd Manuzî ji Mexrib, u berpirsê diravî mamoste Wedih Esmer ji Libnan.Ev Fêdêrasyona euromed dijî windakirina bi zorê (FEMED), wê kar bike bo xurtkirina organîzasyonên ku dijî windakirinê li welatên euromed dikin, u wê karek bê biriin bike bo naskirina rastiyê u avakirina bingeha dademendî, di gel ji nuve amadekirina ew kesên ku bun qurbana windakirina bi zorê, u peydakirina bedelan ên ku jiwanre giringe. Ewê jî karê dijwar bike da ku vî derdî je kokde ji van welatan rake.Divê bê gotin ku fêdêrasyona euromed dijî windakirina bi zorê (FEMED) an ku ana çar organîzasyonên wê hene ji welatên Tirkî, Ceza-ir, Mexrib u Libnan, wê nêzîk hin organîzasyonên din ji welatên ku bune meydaneke ji windakirina bi zorê re, u ên ku têkilyên wan pevre xurte, wê têxe nav xwe.Karê fêdêrasyona euromed dijî windakirina bi zorê (FEMED), li gorî peymangeha navnetewî an mafên mirovan e , peymana internasyonal bo parastina hemu kesan ji windakirina bi zorê re, movika hefta ji sîstema Roma yê an ku dibêje ku windakirina bi zorê tawaneke ji mirovatî yê ye , peymana navnetewî derbarê mafên sîvîl u polîtîk , u peymana dijî işkenjê, kar dike.Ev buyer li darket bi alîkariya organîzasyona holendî “Komîta insanî a mafên mirovan” (HOM) , an ku di riya progrema karêwê “girêdana havbendiyê” (Linking Solidarity) alîkariya avakirina organîzasyonên herêmî ku li dijî windakirina bi zorê kar dikin , dike.
Bêrud 29 gulanê 2007
Fêdêrasyona euromed dijî windakirina Zore bi
Nassera Dotur
The Euro-Mediterranean region is largely affected by the phenomenon of enforced disappearances which is strongly condemned by Defenders of Human Rights and now the Convention for the Protection of All Persons against Enforced Disappearance, adopted December 21, 2006 by the UN General Assembly Unies.Des organizations fighting against the practice of enforced disappearances in the Euro Mediterranean met in Beirut on 26 and 27 May 2007 to form the Federation EuroMed cons Disappearance (FEMED). The founding organizations are FEMED of the Coordinating Committee of Families of Disappeared in Morocco, the Collective of Families of the Disappeared ( e) s in Algeria / SOS Disappeared (Algeria), the Turkish organization Mothers for Peace, and CLDH (Lebanese Center for Human Rights). The inaugural meeting was held with representatives of the FIDH (International Federation League of Human Rights), Human Rights Watch, EMHRN (Euro Mediterranean Network of Human Rights) of HOM (Humanist Committee on Human Rights), and the Committee of Relatives of Missing Persons and removed the Liban.Un network of organizations of relatives of disappeared existed informally since 2000 following an initial meeting held in Paris by FIDH. This network has allowed the families of missing persons to exchange information and experience, and conduct their first actions communes.Cette constant collaboration gave them the desire to organize themselves to increase their strength in the fight against enforced disappearances in region.The 'general assembly held in Beirut decided install the headquarters in Beirut. It elected a Bureau composed of Ms. Nassera Dutour (Algeria) as Chairperson, Rachid El Manouzi (Morocco) Secretary General, and Wadih Al-Asmar (Lebanon) Trésorier.La FEMED will work consistently to strengthen the organizations fighting against disappearances throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region. She will serve tirelessly for Truth, Justice, Rehabilitation and Compensation payable to all victims of enforced disappearances and for the final eradication of this practice throughout the region.The FEMED which is currently composed of organizations from four countries, namely Turkey, Algeria, Morocco and Lebanon, will be joined soon by other organizations in many countries affected by the loss and with strong links which exist déjà.L action of FEMED part of the Universal Charter of Human Rights, the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons against Enforced Disappearances in the spirit of the Rome Statute in Article 7 recognizes the practice of enforced disappearance as a crime against humanity, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention against Torture. This event was made possible with support from the Dutch organization HOM, which through its program 'Linking Solidarity, supported the formation of regional organizations fighting against enforced disappearances.
May 29, 2007.
Nassera Dutour

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in Beirut gatherings of families of disappeared (s) throughout the basin Euromediterranean