Thursday, August 30, 2007

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International Conference: "Second Meeting of Families of Disappeared euroméditerrannéenne"

12, 13 and 14 June 2008, FEMED organized a conference theme that has also played the role of Assembly membership. Titled "Second Euro-Mediterranean Meeting of Families of Disappeared" was entitled "The International Convention for the Protection of All Persons against Enforced Disappearances in the Face of Euro-Mediterranean countries." The objective This second meeting was threefold: 1 / train and educate family associations in the region on the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons against Enforced Disappearances, 2 / as a platform for exchange of experiences between the associations of families , 3 / FEMED present and invite participants to join.

Over a hundred people from different backgrounds were present, especially representatives of family associations of missing persons from Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Serbia, Syria and Turkey as well as experts and law professors International activists in human rights and international or regional organizations - Aim for Human Rights, the Asian Federation against Enforced Disappearances (AFAD), the Latin American Federation of Associations of Relatives of Disappeared Detainees (FEDEFAM) the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH), Human Rights Watch (HRW), International Coalition against Enforced Disappearances (ICAED), the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP ), the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), etc.. This conference

rich allowed associations to meet for the first time their counterparts in the region. During these three days, they were able to discuss, exchange information and plan joint actions for the eradication of enforced disappearances in the region. Many associations have expressed their desire to join the Federation. This event provided a regional and international dimension to FEMED.

The work of the meeting ended with the unanimous adoption of the Rabat call - a call to ratify the Convention (see above), for official meetings with the Moroccan authorities to discuss de la ratification de la Convention par le Maroc, ainsi que par une conférence de presse pour présenter les conclusions de la conférence et assurer une bonne diffusion de l’Appel de Rabat.

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International Day of the Disappeared - August 30, 2007 - International Day of Missing August 30, 2007 Families of the Disappeared

The FEMED (EuroMed Federation against enforced disappearances) joins the FEDEFAM (Latin-American Federation of the associations of families of disappeared and detainees) and the AFAD (Asian Federation against enforced disappearances) in this commemorating day, and supports the actions of the families of the disappeared on this International Day of the disappeared.

Initiated by FEDEFAM, this day in the memory of the disappeared has since then been celebrated in the whole world by the families of the disappeared and their associations.

The International Day of the disappeared is an opportunity for the families of the disappeared to get out from their isolation, to express their sufferings and to lead solidarity actions all around the world.

This day is also an opportunity to make the public aware of the issue of enforced disappearances, to raise this problem once again and to claim Truth and Justice with the relevant governments and international institutions.

This situation of impunity makes very hard the struggle of the families of disappeared and explains why the issue of enforced disappearances is not raised enough by the civil society in the countries where this atrocious practice has been used by state agents who go beyond their powers, regardless of the national law and the international standards of human rights.

The FEMED therefore urges all the governments of the Euro Mediterranean region to take all necessary measures to put a final end to this practice, to reveal the truth on the fate of all the disappeared and to grant compensation to all the families of the victims.

For the FEMED
Nassera Dutour
La FEMED (Fédération Euro méditerranéenne contre les Disparitions Forcées) se joint à la FEDEFAM (Fédération Latino-Américaine des Associations de Familles de Disparus et Détenus) et à l’AFAD (Fédération Asiatique contre les Disparitions Forced) on this day of commemoration and supports actions by the families of the disappeared on the occasion of International Day of the disappeared. Initiated by FEDEFAM, this day of remembrance of the dead is now celebrated worldwide by the families of the Disappeared (s) and their associations. The International Day of the Disappeared allows families of disappeared out of their isolation, to express their suffering and to carry out solidarity actions around the world. This day is also an opportunity to educate the public about the issue of enforced disappearances and to raise this issue again and claim Truth Justice and with the governments concerned and international institutions. Governments try to close the file missing in various ways, either by legislation granting amnesty or compensation data without any desire to establish the truth about the fate of the disappeared, leaving the families of the disappeared (e) s in the uncertainty and distress. This situation where impunity reigns makes it very difficult to fight Families of the Disappeared (s) and explains why the issue of enforced disappearance does not sufficiently raise the debate it deserves in the society of the countries where this atrocious practice and was continues to be used by state officials who overstep their rights in defiance of national law and international law of human rights. FEMED therefore urges all governments of the Euro-Mediterranean region to take all necessary measures to put an end to this practice, to establish the truth about the fate of the disappeared and to make reparation for all families victims.
Nassera Dutour