course A Whiter Shade Of Pale remain in our memories as the hole-hole slow the century, not as a paragon of basic mid-la-si . There are countless love affairs that are sealed on that tune. And what about the number of kisses exchanged languishing for four minutes and three seconds during this monument of the sixties.
The thing came out in 1967. I am eleven pins when I hear it for the first Once on my little transistor, nestled under the covers of my paddock, refusing to find a sleep unlikely. A shiver runs through me at the time the spine listening to this musical UFO but curiously I've never bought vinyl, preferring at the time of hits more trash like Jumpin 'Jack Flash Rolling Stones The All Along the Watchtower by Jimi or even its near cousin, Nights in White Satin The Moody Blues .
67, one year totally magical pop. Out almost simultaneously or Sergeant Pepper, the top 30 cm of the Doors, Hendrix, Pink Floyd, the Velvet Underground and many others nuggets. All this little world seems to have been struck by grace. And no doubt that hallucinogens helped birth of their masterpieces. Moreover, one that has not swallowed that whey is Keith Reid, the lyricist for Procol Harum and therefore A Whiter Shade Of Pale . In his text , whose last two verses were not interpreted in the 45s, discussed among other sucker, fandango, whiter shade of pale of sixteen vestal virgins. Not easy to summarize the case ...
The components of the same musical piece sparked a controversy. Initially assigned time singer-pianist Gary Brooker, who shared the 1967 to 2009 extensive copyright with lyricist Keith Reid, is now also owned by organist Matthew Fisher. I must admit that his legendary line organ, inspired by Bach did much for the glory of the hit. Since 2009, the boy finally entitled to its share of cake, ie 40% of copyright. These are the Law Lords , highest court in the United Kingdom, who decided the thing. Too bad for Fisher, retroactive fees incurred during the 42 years since the release of A Whiter Shade Of Pale have been by cons refused.
A real shortfall was slow because the legendary song broadcast over the public places in Britain between 1934 and 2009. It was also echoed by a host of artists. In my opinion, the most complete version is that of Annie Lennox revisiting the piece by giving it an almost mystical. The great Joe Cocker it is rubbed with an approach very gospel. Eric Clapton ex who you know, not doing badly either, we are rewarding in addition to a small guitar solo he has the secret. Otherwise, Willie Nelson Percy Sledge many there are attacked with more or less happiness. Remember pell mell down electro disco of Giorgio Moroder , the mill reggae Pat Kelly or Alton Ellis rabies Punk Peter Gabriel (yes, really) and the lyricism of Liza Veiga or John Farnham . also be added in the basket Glenn Hughes former Deep Purple bassist, the Box Tops , Black Label Society, the Hollies, Sarah Brigthman and even Bonnie Tyler .. . A panel far from comprehensive!
In conclusion, we do not make fun of the version in franchouillard the text of the Canadian Donald Lautrec, with no unrelated Toulouse, one will forget the massacre (Chainsaw) instrumental Andre Rieu or Richard Clayderman and we should point we hear the divine in many single films whose Breakin The Waves the great Lars Von Trier ...
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